Just before the Battle

Cease to be anxious; nor grope
Mad as a Matteawan hatter.
Wading through columns of dope —
Here is the crux of the matter:

" Dempsey's as strong as an ox. "
" Wills is as fit as a fiddle. "
" Harry is harder than rocks. "
" Jack's there both ways from the middle. "

" Dempsey is sounder than steel. "
" The African's there with the wallop. "
" The champion's smooth as an eel. "
" Harry's as cool as a scallop. "

" Dempsey is trained to the hour. "
" Wills is as blooming as privet. "
" Jack has a million horsepower. "
" Harry's as right as a trivet. "

" Jack is as keen as a blade. "
" Wills is as bright as a dollar. "
" Dempsey is far from afraid. "
" Wills is as fresh as a collar. "

Why, then be anxious and grope
Mad as a Matteawan hatter?
There is the gist of the dope —
There is the crux of the matter.
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