Just the Same Today

When Moses and his people
From Egypt's land did flee,
Their enemies behind them,
And in front of them the sea,
God raised the waters like a wall
And opened up the way,
And the God that lived in Moses' time
Is just the same to-day.

When David and Goliath met,
The wrong against the right--
The giant armed with human power
And David with God's might;
God's power with David's sling and stone
The giant low did lay,
And the God that lived in David's time
Is just the same to-day.

When Pentecost had fully come,
And the fire from Heaven did fall,
As a mighty wind the Holy Ghost
Baptized them one and all;
Three thousand got converted,
And were workers right away
And the God that lived at Pentecost,
Is just the same to-day.
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