To the K: of Scots Upon Occasion of His Longe Stay in Denmarke by Reason of the Coldnesse of the Winter and Freezing of the Sea. Sonet 7 -
Sonet 7.
If I durst loue as heertofore I haue
Or that my heart durst flame as it doth burne
The ice should not so longe stay youre returne
My heart should easely thaw the frozen waue
But when my payne makes me for pittie craue
The blindest see with what iust cause I mourne
So least my torment to hir blame should turne
My heart is forc'd to hide the fire she gaue
But what doth need the sea my heart at all
Thow and thy spouse be suns, in beautye shee
In wisdome thow, the sun we Phaebus call
And Phaebus for thy wisdome we call thee
Now if the sun can thaw the sea alone
Cannot two suns supplie the want of one.
If I durst loue as heertofore I haue
Or that my heart durst flame as it doth burne
The ice should not so longe stay youre returne
My heart should easely thaw the frozen waue
But when my payne makes me for pittie craue
The blindest see with what iust cause I mourne
So least my torment to hir blame should turne
My heart is forc'd to hide the fire she gaue
But what doth need the sea my heart at all
Thow and thy spouse be suns, in beautye shee
In wisdome thow, the sun we Phaebus call
And Phaebus for thy wisdome we call thee
Now if the sun can thaw the sea alone
Cannot two suns supplie the want of one.
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