Karroo, The - Part 14

Motionless waves, as I watch you my thoughts are borne to those billows—
Wayward and wandering surges—washing the shores of the world:
Seas that serenely whisper, or bellow in boisterous anger,
Wild white coursers that thunder glittering hoofs on the beach:
Seas that were still when Ulysses beheld the isle of enchantment
Where sirens sang in the sunlight braiding their tresses of gold:
Desolate seas that Dido, tear-dimmed, searched for her lover,
Seas that chanted to Jason the lure of the flame-bright fleece:
Seas that buffeted Diaz, who first of adventurous seamen
Sighted your mist-woven banners, O stately turrets of Storm!
Seas with forgotten isles where pirates once buried their treasure
Jewels and jaundiced moidores, blood-mottled pieces-of-eight:
Seas where miraculous monsters, great-bellied, glutted with cargo,
Furrow through tempest and foam, seeking some haven afar:
Seas with bustling harbours, bronzed and sinewy seamen:
Seas of tumult and terror, seas that are never at rest.
Swiftly from these I turn to your surges that sweep to the sky-line—
Magical ocean of silence, mute and majestic Karroo!
Turn to your frozen billows, whose stillness yields to the spirit
Speech, unfettered by language, tones not heard of the ear—
Silence that pulses in music—vastness that endlessly whispers—
Hints of infinite Vastness—Silence supernal, Beyond!
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