Kind Words

Turn not from him, who asks of thee
A portion of thy store;
Though thou canst give no charity,
Thou canst do what is more.

The balm of comfort thou canst pour
Into his grieving mind,
Who oft is turn'd from wealth's proud door,
With many a word unkind.

Does any from the false world find,
Nought but reproach and scorn;
Does any, stung by words unkind,
Wish that he ne'er was born;

Do thou raise up his drooping heart;
Restore his wounded mind;
Though nought of wealth thou canst impart,
Yet still thou canst be kind.

Thy kindness, like the summer's shower,
Shall cheer him on his way
Through the false, hollow world; its power
Shall reach his latest day:

It stays not here, but, as the rain,
Which ocean's bosom drinks,
Drawn by the sun ascends again,
To heaven from which it sinks;

So, drawn by thee, thy words shall wing
Backward their course to thee;
And, in thy breast, shall prove a spring
Of pure felicity.
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