To the King and Queene

Bee all your senses blest with harmony
proportion'd objects meete each faculty,
all appetites find such a just supply,
that you may still desire, still satisfy.

May present thinges with present pleasure pay,
every contentment bee entire, and way
to the next joye, may every new successe
recall the past, and make one happinesse.

May you then all your Joyes reflected see
in others breasts, may that reflection bee
powerfull on you, and though none can project
beames to reach you, yet what you cause reflect.

May you not neede the art to multiply
Joyes, in the fancies unsafe flattery
but may your pleasures be still present, pure,
diffusive, great, and in their trueth, secure.

Vertue, and you, soe intermix that Wee
beleeve you one with safer piety
then were the knowledge which is you, which shee:

if you are severall, you are severall soe
that after subtle wordes A difference shew
conceipts of one must into the other flow:

The understanding doeth the trueth admitt
of your distinction, but streight looseth itt
painefull distraction of itt intermitt:

Noe place confines to heere or ther fayre vertue
present to all, in that sense tis as true
you are in itt, as itt is all in you:

All services done her give an accesse
neerer to you, all who have worthynesse
enough, are rivalls, though Antip[o]des;

Yet after all our carefull tyme conferd
in seeking her, when any is preferd
to see you, shee is most her owne reward:
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