King Fever

H E'S ruler of rulers o'er all the earth,
King Fever is his name!
From the monarch grown gray to the prince at his birth,
King Fever is his name!
Before him, emperor, sultan, and czar,
President, pontiff, mikado, and shah,
Caliph and mandarin powerless are,
King Fever is his name!

All, all must approach him with sceptreless hands,
King Fever is his name!
For his are their subjects, their crowns and their lands,
King Fever is his name!
His are their diadems, jewels and wealth;
Naught can they hide from him, sly tho' their stealth;
Heirs or inheritance, beauty or health,
King Fever is his name!

Then hail! All hail, to the Great Socialist!
King Fever is his name!
Whose levelling power none can resist,
King Fever is his name!
Whose might can demolish the whole Chinese Wall,
And round our poor craniums rebuild it all —
Whose flames burn alike the great and the small —
King Fever is his name!
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