Kiss, The. — Imitated From Voiture
When the Sun with am'rous beams
Greets with kisses soft the Rose;
Pleased the blushing beauty seems,
And with brighter lustre glows.
When his harbinger of joy
Tells Aurora he is near;
Blushes of celestial dye
O'er her glowing charms appear.
But a brighter vermeil hue
Deepened in my Chloe's face,
Than the modest morn e'er knew,
Or the Rose's bashful grace
As I snatched the sudden kiss,
From my lips my heart hath flown;
Ravished by the enchanting bliss,
And resigned its native throne.
This deserted breast it left,
Thro' those lips it passed to thine,
Of my " bosom's lord " bereft,
Hopeless now I languid pine —
There a wretched slave enchained,
Pants the trembling prisoner still;
Still reluctantly retained,
Captive to thy sovereign will —
See thy sad repentant lover,
Of himself and thee bereft;
Let him now his peace recover,
Willing to restore his theft. —
Dearly paid the fatal treasure,
Oh! forgive the transient bliss;
Yield me up my bosom's treasure,
And let me give back the Kiss. —
Greets with kisses soft the Rose;
Pleased the blushing beauty seems,
And with brighter lustre glows.
When his harbinger of joy
Tells Aurora he is near;
Blushes of celestial dye
O'er her glowing charms appear.
But a brighter vermeil hue
Deepened in my Chloe's face,
Than the modest morn e'er knew,
Or the Rose's bashful grace
As I snatched the sudden kiss,
From my lips my heart hath flown;
Ravished by the enchanting bliss,
And resigned its native throne.
This deserted breast it left,
Thro' those lips it passed to thine,
Of my " bosom's lord " bereft,
Hopeless now I languid pine —
There a wretched slave enchained,
Pants the trembling prisoner still;
Still reluctantly retained,
Captive to thy sovereign will —
See thy sad repentant lover,
Of himself and thee bereft;
Let him now his peace recover,
Willing to restore his theft. —
Dearly paid the fatal treasure,
Oh! forgive the transient bliss;
Yield me up my bosom's treasure,
And let me give back the Kiss. —
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