L. of G.'s Purport

Not to exclude or demarcate, or pick out evils from their formidable masses (even to expose them,)
But add, fuse, complete, extend — and celebrate the immortal and the good.

Haughty this song, its words and scope,
To span vast realms of space and time,
Evolution — the cumulative — growths and generations.

Begun in ripen'd youth and steadily pursued,
Wandering, peering, dallying with all — war, peace, day and night absorbing,
Never even for one brief hour abandoning my task,
I end it here in sickness, poverty, and old age.

I sing of life, yet mind we well of death:
To-day shadowy Death dogs my steps, my seated shape, and has for years —
Draws sometimes close to me, as face to face.
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