Ladies and Gentlemen 1784
Then clowds herded ronde the sonne
Andde the feldes wer grey andde dampe andde desolat
Butte inne the grate house behinde hevy curtans
Brite firs wer litte andde they crackled behinde
Polished bras thrones andde the candles everywher
Inne all the rooms tall andde white andde slender
Withe longe delicat flames, andde the ladies highbrested
Andde bareshouldered moved among thum withe the gentle
Motions of a ladye's fan, andde the men looked
Into the firs andde stood about like the lene iron
Candlestiks fromme the King's chapel andde the men
Looked withe their harde gray eyes atte the polished
Shoulders of the ladies and bowed like a row of plumes
Bendingge, andde itte was importante if a ladye hadde
A ladye's ankle, andde itte was importante if a ladye
Lost her fann, andde itte was importante if a ladye smiled
Over her highbosomed dres andde averted her black eyes.
Andde inne the highe darkened rooms uppestares
The bedde gosipped withe the slepy fir
Andde the housemaids wer gay somwher withe the footmen
Andde inne the rooms of the gentlemen the candles
Stoode atte atention like wery sentres
Andde the firs wer like patient shiveringge wateingge dogs.
Andde the feldes wer grey andde dampe andde desolat
Butte inne the grate house behinde hevy curtans
Brite firs wer litte andde they crackled behinde
Polished bras thrones andde the candles everywher
Inne all the rooms tall andde white andde slender
Withe longe delicat flames, andde the ladies highbrested
Andde bareshouldered moved among thum withe the gentle
Motions of a ladye's fan, andde the men looked
Into the firs andde stood about like the lene iron
Candlestiks fromme the King's chapel andde the men
Looked withe their harde gray eyes atte the polished
Shoulders of the ladies and bowed like a row of plumes
Bendingge, andde itte was importante if a ladye hadde
A ladye's ankle, andde itte was importante if a ladye
Lost her fann, andde itte was importante if a ladye smiled
Over her highbosomed dres andde averted her black eyes.
Andde inne the highe darkened rooms uppestares
The bedde gosipped withe the slepy fir
Andde the housemaids wer gay somwher withe the footmen
Andde inne the rooms of the gentlemen the candles
Stoode atte atention like wery sentres
Andde the firs wer like patient shiveringge wateingge dogs.
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