To a Lady at Bath
Flavia, since Conquest is your Aim,
I'll point you out the Way;
And give you an unerring Scheme,
For universal Sway.
Since Nature gave a Form so fair,
Why will you practise Art?
Which serves, too oft, to shew the Snare,
And warn the heedless Heart.
Those Eyes could never fail to kill;
But lose their Force by too much skill.
Learn then to captivate the Age,
From beauteous, unaffected PAGE.
I'll point you out the Way;
And give you an unerring Scheme,
For universal Sway.
Since Nature gave a Form so fair,
Why will you practise Art?
Which serves, too oft, to shew the Snare,
And warn the heedless Heart.
Those Eyes could never fail to kill;
But lose their Force by too much skill.
Learn then to captivate the Age,
From beauteous, unaffected PAGE.
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