To a Lady, Who Had a Very Fine Shape, and Fine Complexion
Can forms , like yours , want Ornament of dress?
Beauty, like truth , shines most in Nakedness .
Dressing may skreen deformities from view,
But, e'en, adornment does but shadow YOU !
Most , but by what they wear , are lovely made,
You, Madam, lose , whene'er you seek such aid .
While others dress, their lover's hearts to warm ,
You put off nothing, but what veil'd a charm!
Beauty, like truth , shines most in Nakedness .
Dressing may skreen deformities from view,
But, e'en, adornment does but shadow YOU !
Most , but by what they wear , are lovely made,
You, Madam, lose , whene'er you seek such aid .
While others dress, their lover's hearts to warm ,
You put off nothing, but what veil'd a charm!
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