Lament on the Departure of Mr. Morgan Shuster
Shame on the host whose guest unfed doth from the table rise!
Rather than this should happen, make thy life his sacrifice!
Should Shuster fare from Persia forth, Persia is lost in sooth:
O let not Persia thus be lost, if ye be men in truth!
Behold, these Ministers of ours our Muslimhood divide,
And each unto our common foe his portion doth confide;
One party still in unison demands that thou should'st stay;
We're naught but heathens if we let our Faith thus slip away!
To-day a gang of thieves become the guardians of our land:
In all this Kingdom thou alone dost see and understand!
Close clinging to thy skirts a band of suppliants are we,
For, should'st thou go, our Country's name, alas! will go with thee!
Our cup is full unto the brim, our measure overflows;
Our homes are meanly filched away by base and cruel foes!
And if we suffer Shuster now to leave our Persian land
Eternal infamy our name in history shall brand!
The wolf and shepherd's dog are one like Layla and Majnun;
A cowardly herdsman guards the flock and will betray it soon.
O what creative energy our Hearts' Exemplar showed!
Let not our faithful guardian quit our desolate abode!
O leave us not, although our life and thought are merged in night!
The eyes of those who wish us ill grow blind when we unite:
But, left by thee, the banquet's glee turns to reaction drear,
And thus it is that " Árif's wail doth reach to Saturn's sphere!
Shame on the host whose guest unfed doth from the table rise!
Rather than this should happen, make thy life his sacrifice!
Should Shuster fare from Persia forth, Persia is lost in sooth:
O let not Persia thus be lost, if ye be men in truth!
Behold, these Ministers of ours our Muslimhood divide,
And each unto our common foe his portion doth confide;
One party still in unison demands that thou should'st stay;
We're naught but heathens if we let our Faith thus slip away!
To-day a gang of thieves become the guardians of our land:
In all this Kingdom thou alone dost see and understand!
Close clinging to thy skirts a band of suppliants are we,
For, should'st thou go, our Country's name, alas! will go with thee!
Our cup is full unto the brim, our measure overflows;
Our homes are meanly filched away by base and cruel foes!
And if we suffer Shuster now to leave our Persian land
Eternal infamy our name in history shall brand!
The wolf and shepherd's dog are one like Layla and Majnun;
A cowardly herdsman guards the flock and will betray it soon.
O what creative energy our Hearts' Exemplar showed!
Let not our faithful guardian quit our desolate abode!
O leave us not, although our life and thought are merged in night!
The eyes of those who wish us ill grow blind when we unite:
But, left by thee, the banquet's glee turns to reaction drear,
And thus it is that " Árif's wail doth reach to Saturn's sphere!
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