Land of perpetual summer Italy
Land of perpetual summer Italy
Land of the golden City of the sun
Cradle of Europes Empire — but for thee
The rest were darkness & perpetual dun
Celestial clime & garden of the sun
Country of Virgil Hessiod — once the free
Latium & Greece both kingdoms of the sun
Their infant cradles rocked by Liberty
& still the sunniest Land is Italy.
Greece Land of Homer & the muses fire
How nations read & kindle at thy name
The freemans sword the poets native lyre
Have filled thy history with a classic fame
& is not Greece that Land of Isles the same
The sun shines oer its freedom & wars cease
The despots chains near made it stoop to shame
Its hills & classic sky's repose in peace
& freedom owns it as the soil of Greece.
Land of the golden City of the sun
Cradle of Europes Empire — but for thee
The rest were darkness & perpetual dun
Celestial clime & garden of the sun
Country of Virgil Hessiod — once the free
Latium & Greece both kingdoms of the sun
Their infant cradles rocked by Liberty
& still the sunniest Land is Italy.
Greece Land of Homer & the muses fire
How nations read & kindle at thy name
The freemans sword the poets native lyre
Have filled thy history with a classic fame
& is not Greece that Land of Isles the same
The sun shines oer its freedom & wars cease
The despots chains near made it stoop to shame
Its hills & classic sky's repose in peace
& freedom owns it as the soil of Greece.
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