A Last Will and Testament
Terram terra tegat; Demon peccata resumat;
Mundus res habeat; spiritus alta petat.
Terram terra tegat.
Four pointes, my will, or I hence departe,
Reason me moveth to make as I maye.
First to the erthe I bequeth his parte:
My wretched carein is but foule claye.
Like than to like, erthe in erthe to laye:
Sith it is according, by it I woll abide,
As for the first parte of my will, that erthe erth hide.
Demon peccata resumat.
Mine horrible sinnes that so sore me binde
With weight me oppresse, that lyen so manifold,
So many in numbre, so sondry in kinde.
The Fende, by his instaunce, to them made me bold.
From him they come, to him I yolde wolde.
Wherefore the second parte of my will is thus,
That the Fende receive all my sinnes as his.
Mundus res habeat.
Whate availeth goodes, am I ones dede and roten?
Them all and some I leve, peny and pounde,
Truely or untruely, some I trowe misgoten,
Though I wot not of whome, howe, nor in whate grounde.
The worldes they been, them in the worlde I founde:
And therfore the thirde parte is of my wille,
All my worldly goodes let the worlde have still.
Nowe for the fourth pointe and than have I doo.
Nedefull for the soule me thinketh to provide,
Hence muste I nedes, but whother shall I goo?
I doute my demerittes which weyen on every side.
But Goddes mercy shall I truste to be my guide,
Under whose liecens yet, while I maye breth,
Unto Heven on high my soule I bequeth.
Mundus res habeat; spiritus alta petat.
Terram terra tegat.
Four pointes, my will, or I hence departe,
Reason me moveth to make as I maye.
First to the erthe I bequeth his parte:
My wretched carein is but foule claye.
Like than to like, erthe in erthe to laye:
Sith it is according, by it I woll abide,
As for the first parte of my will, that erthe erth hide.
Demon peccata resumat.
Mine horrible sinnes that so sore me binde
With weight me oppresse, that lyen so manifold,
So many in numbre, so sondry in kinde.
The Fende, by his instaunce, to them made me bold.
From him they come, to him I yolde wolde.
Wherefore the second parte of my will is thus,
That the Fende receive all my sinnes as his.
Mundus res habeat.
Whate availeth goodes, am I ones dede and roten?
Them all and some I leve, peny and pounde,
Truely or untruely, some I trowe misgoten,
Though I wot not of whome, howe, nor in whate grounde.
The worldes they been, them in the worlde I founde:
And therfore the thirde parte is of my wille,
All my worldly goodes let the worlde have still.
Nowe for the fourth pointe and than have I doo.
Nedefull for the soule me thinketh to provide,
Hence muste I nedes, but whother shall I goo?
I doute my demerittes which weyen on every side.
But Goddes mercy shall I truste to be my guide,
Under whose liecens yet, while I maye breth,
Unto Heven on high my soule I bequeth.
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