Laura. The Toyes of a Traveller. Or. The Feast of Fancie - Part 1, 12
The Beautie that in Paradice doth grow,
Lively appeares in my sweet Goddesse face,
From whence (as from a christall River) flow
Favour devine, and comelines of grace.
But in her daintie (yet too cruell) Brest
More crueltie and hardnes doth abound,
Than doth in painfull Purgatorie rest:
So that (at once) she's faire and cruell found,
When in her face and breast, (ah griefe to tell)
Bright Heaven she showes, and craftie hides dark hell.
Lively appeares in my sweet Goddesse face,
From whence (as from a christall River) flow
Favour devine, and comelines of grace.
But in her daintie (yet too cruell) Brest
More crueltie and hardnes doth abound,
Than doth in painfull Purgatorie rest:
So that (at once) she's faire and cruell found,
When in her face and breast, (ah griefe to tell)
Bright Heaven she showes, and craftie hides dark hell.
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