Laura. The Toyes of a Traveller. Or. The Feast of Fancie - Part 1, 28
Diana shineth in the heavens cleere,
Because from purest Sunne she takes her light,
And Faire, she showes that of Diana heere
On earth, doth borrow beautie passing bright.
The vertue then that is infusde in her,
She from Diana hath, or els from none;
For other thewes doo all in her concurre,
And unto her beholding are alone.
Oh wonder strange of Nature to reveale,
She Dian gives, yet doth from Dian steale.
Because from purest Sunne she takes her light,
And Faire, she showes that of Diana heere
On earth, doth borrow beautie passing bright.
The vertue then that is infusde in her,
She from Diana hath, or els from none;
For other thewes doo all in her concurre,
And unto her beholding are alone.
Oh wonder strange of Nature to reveale,
She Dian gives, yet doth from Dian steale.
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