Laura. The Toyes of a Traveller. Or. The Feast of Fancie - Part 3, 35
When I of my sweet Laura leave did take,
Faire Fanos Cittie for a while to leave:
Shee gave to mee (to weare it for her sake)
Of gold and pearle a daintie woven Wreathe.
Deere was the gift, because for love it came;
But deerer more, cause Shee gave me the same.
I looke on't still, and kisse it as my joy;
Kissing and bussing it, with it I play:
Which at one instant brings me mirth and noy.
And sighing oft, thus to my selfe I say;
White pearls are these, yet hath her mouth more faire;
Fine gold is this, yet finer is her haire.
Faire Fanos Cittie for a while to leave:
Shee gave to mee (to weare it for her sake)
Of gold and pearle a daintie woven Wreathe.
Deere was the gift, because for love it came;
But deerer more, cause Shee gave me the same.
I looke on't still, and kisse it as my joy;
Kissing and bussing it, with it I play:
Which at one instant brings me mirth and noy.
And sighing oft, thus to my selfe I say;
White pearls are these, yet hath her mouth more faire;
Fine gold is this, yet finer is her haire.
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