Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

Why treasures hoard, that rust and rot,
Or gold that thieves may steal?
Why are those priceless gems forgot
That bear God's holy seal?
Strive ye to gain the Christian's share,
And store in heaven your prize;
For if your dearest treasure's there,
There will your wishes rise.

On food and raiment wherefore spend
Your life in careworn thought,
While food for an immortal mind
Remains by you unsought?
Your Father feeds the fowls of air,
Who neither reap nor sow;
The lilies spin not, yet how fair
The gentle lilies grow!

And if God feed the sparrow small,
And clothe the fading flower,
Will He not clothe and feed you all,
Poor children of an hour?
For present wants then take no thought,
But fix your hearts above;
And He, whose blood your souls hath bought,
Shall give you life and love.
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