
As leäte I did wind up the slope, up in under
The trees, where the cows wer a-sleepen asunder,
The moon wer a-seemen to float in cloud streamens,
As over his feäce they did flit in his beamens,
An' I went between
The two woods in the lewth,
When maÿè-leaves wer green
An' the thorn wer in blooth.

The wind, as along in the lea I did wander,
Did huffle hard by an' sound lower a-yonder,
An' zweep by the roofs that did hide the dull sleeper,
Or shut up, a-tossen, the head o' the weeper,
Till woonce mwore their zight
Should behold in the grounds
Dewy mornen's red light,
An' should hear the day's sounds.

An' there, as the wind-blast did zweep on, an' ramble
By hedges, a-swingen a swoop on the bramble,
An' down in the meäd roun' the rick wer a-reäven,
While blossomy boughs on the rock wer a-weäven,
I'd jaÿè in the blast
That above me did roar,
Vor the trees that I past
Wer all guides to my door.
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