Life in Deaths - Song 3

Song III


Whil'st we are here on Earth
We're dying every day:
Each day brings some new woe or grief
Whilst we are cloth'd with Clay.
We dwell in midst of Deaths
And Death amidst us dwells,
As too too well appeareth by
These daily doleful Knells


Now one dear Friend departs,
E're long another goes:
Whose turn comes next, or mine, or thine,
Or whose, God only knows
Thus we are oft constrain'd
The pains of Death to 'bide:
For Death doth often wound our Heart
Through one or other's side.


Pains, Losses, Sicknesses,
Temptations, Sorrows, Sin,
All these are daily deaths from which
We can no Freedom win,
Until we die our last:
One death will end them all,
And set our Souls at liberty,
Which here are held in Thrall.


The pains of Life together
Amount to no small pain:
Who would not one Pain more endure
And get free from all pain?
But we must stay God's time,
And wait till he shall call,
And then one Death will set us free
From Pains and Sorrows all.


Then once for all we die,
That die we may no more,
But live in bliss Eternally
The face of God before.
Death is of life the Gate,
It is the Door whereby
We enter shall into a state
Of immortality.


This then our comfort is,
This is our Life in Death,
To know our Soul shall be in bliss,
When Death hath stopt our breath.
And that this body vile
That now is laid in Dust,
And turn'd to earth within a while
Be rais'd in Glory must


So soon as Death hath clos'd
Our mortal bodie's eyes,
Our soul shall mount with greatest speed
Above the Starry Skies.
Born upon Angel's wings
Unto that heavenly rest,
Whereof Eternal happiness,
She shall be full possest.


O Death where is thy sting,
Thy Victory O Grave?
How art thou conquered, and made
Our servant, yea our slave.
Thanks be to God who giveth us,
Through Christ the Victory
That we may live to praise his name,
For this Eternally.
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