Light in Darkness - Song 8


And now for such as feel
These hellish Buffettings,
And anguish of these sudden darts,
Which are the Serpents stings;
I shall a word or two
Or Counsel here annex:
God make them useful unto some
Whom Satan doth perplex.


Follow they Calling close.
Love not to be alone;
Save only when by secret Prayer,
Thou makes to God thy moan
Omit not secret Prayer,
Nor other means neglect:
The Tempter hath thee where he would,
If once he that effect.


Thy help is in the Lord;
From him it must be sought:
Use thou the Means, and wait his time,
Who lingers not for nought.
Thy Prayers are poor and vile;
Yet do not them foregoe:
For what were that, but for to give
Thy weapon to thy Foe!


Cry mightily to God
When other Helpers fail:
Relie upon him stedfastly,
When terrours thee assail.
The more the Devil strives
(For this is all his scope)
To rob thee of they Spiritual Arms,
The faster hold thy hope.


Bewail the sin that cleaves
Unto thine holy things,
And look unto the Blood of Christ
Which acceptation brings.
Be not too much dismay'd,
Nor 'stonished with fear:
But unto Christ who is thy strength
Labour to keep more near.


Distracting horrid Fear
The Soul of strength deprives,
Draws in these thoughts, and to the Devil
A great advantage give.
Adventure not to smother
Temptations in thy brest:
Keep not the Devil's counsel, if
Thou do'st the same detest.


Make out for help in time:
Lest by some subtile wile,
Or hidden craft to thee unknown,
The Serpent thee beguile.
Temptations are like poyson,
Provide an Antidote:
'Tis easier mischief to prevent,
Then cure it when 'tis got.


Recall not wicket thoughts
Of them to take a view
(No not to make thee loath them more)
Lest thou this folly rue:
But thrust them out of doors,
And strongly say them nay;
And if thou canst not rid them so,
Flee thou, and run away.


Be not thou like the Sheep,
That, being in a maze,
Instead of running from the Woolf
Stand still and at him gaze:
Till having one devour'd
He come to worry more,
And then they run, but stand again
Still gazing as before.


Bemoan thy self to God;
In general them confess:
But if thou think them o're again
They will thee more distress.
Let every Christian man
Unto his thoughts take heed:
For God can whip thee with thy thoughts,
Until he make thee bleed.


Give not thy mind to think
Of vain or evil things,
As thou desirest to escape
These hellish Buffettings.
Thus I have briefly given
My Counsel in this case
The Lord direct thee what is good
To follow and embrace.
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