Lines on the Death of Mrs Hill Suppos'd to Be Spoken by Her Sister Mrs Clymer
And is it thus the dear Illusive dream
Of social bliss and happiness serene
Must vanish quite—disolv'd in empty air
And leave my heart a prey to pangs severe—
Cleora gone—oh how can I sustain
This mighty flood of overwhelming pain
How can my thoughts oppress'd with grief get free
Or speak the anguish which it gives to me
Bereav'd of her no Joy the world can give
Her friendship only made me wish to live.—
Ah why grim tyrant did thy ruthless dart
Pierce my Cleora thro a sisters heart
Or why deprive me of the greatest charm
To sooth my sorrows and my cares disarm—
Her valued Converse with instruction fraught
The prompt Idea and exchange of thought—
While mutual Confidence Congenial taste
Gave poignant sweetness to the rich repast
Her bright example thro each scene of life
Adorn'd the names of sister friend and wife
And those alone who bore those tender names
Can pay the tribute which her mem'ry claims.—
No more surcharg'd with tenderness extreame
My eye shall meet her animated beam
Torn from that heart benevolent and kind
The early partner of my infant mind
Those dear delightful Halcyon days are fled
And she has pass'd the dark Cimerian shade
While far from pain and every grief remov'd
Anxiety Consumes what once she lov'd—
—But I shall follow to that peaceful shore
Where friends and sisters meet to part no more
Where all the soft affections more refin'd
Glow in each breast and animate each mind.—
Wounded no more each happy spirit roves
Without the dread of change thro heavens immortal groves—
Of social bliss and happiness serene
Must vanish quite—disolv'd in empty air
And leave my heart a prey to pangs severe—
Cleora gone—oh how can I sustain
This mighty flood of overwhelming pain
How can my thoughts oppress'd with grief get free
Or speak the anguish which it gives to me
Bereav'd of her no Joy the world can give
Her friendship only made me wish to live.—
Ah why grim tyrant did thy ruthless dart
Pierce my Cleora thro a sisters heart
Or why deprive me of the greatest charm
To sooth my sorrows and my cares disarm—
Her valued Converse with instruction fraught
The prompt Idea and exchange of thought—
While mutual Confidence Congenial taste
Gave poignant sweetness to the rich repast
Her bright example thro each scene of life
Adorn'd the names of sister friend and wife
And those alone who bore those tender names
Can pay the tribute which her mem'ry claims.—
No more surcharg'd with tenderness extreame
My eye shall meet her animated beam
Torn from that heart benevolent and kind
The early partner of my infant mind
Those dear delightful Halcyon days are fled
And she has pass'd the dark Cimerian shade
While far from pain and every grief remov'd
Anxiety Consumes what once she lov'd—
—But I shall follow to that peaceful shore
Where friends and sisters meet to part no more
Where all the soft affections more refin'd
Glow in each breast and animate each mind.—
Wounded no more each happy spirit roves
Without the dread of change thro heavens immortal groves—
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