Lines in memory of the late Hon. and Rev. Mr. Talbot

LINES in memory of the late Hon. and Rev. Mr. Talbot .

Moved by no int'rest, by no party sway'd,
The Muse indites the melancholy lay,
Pays the just tribute to his hallow'd shade —
The tribute charity delights to pay.

In life's fair morn the holy man I knew,
Mark'd the sweet plaudits of his pious train,
On mem'ry's page the vivid portrait drew,
And still the faithful characters remain.

How few like him life's specious charms forego,
The claims of ancestry, the grasp of power,
And meekly stealing thro' the vale of woe
With joy expect th' inevitable hour!

Amid the dangers of ensnaring youth
'Tis said — strict virtue's rigid path he trod,
By wisdom guided, and the Word of Truth —
The Counsel of his Father, and his God.

Here faith illumed him with her steadfast ray,
Now glorious, towering to the realms above,
A purer radiance gilds his perfect day,
In the bright precincts of Eternal Love.

Farewel bless'd Saint! to recollection dear,
Still may thy conduct animate my mind;
Tho' steadfast faith in different modes appear,
In blissful union are the virtuous join'd.
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