Lines Written on the Anniversary of the Marriage of Owen Williams, of Llanidan, Esq. M. P. for Marlow

Old Hymen this day is with pleasure reviewing,
 The vows that were pledged on a day that is past;
Which Time as he passes, is yearly renewing,
 And wishing the union delightful may last,
That each may be treated,
With blessings repeated,
While Health brings the cup that is never to cloy,
And seasons succeeding,
In pleasure proceeding,
Which Beauty and Worth may united enjoy.

Old Mona herself, with a fondness maternal,
 Contemplates with pleasure such meetings as this,
Partakes of the joys which she wishes eternal,
 (A progeny blest to her bosom is bliss)
Records on her pages,
This gay day for ages,
While brighter and brighter burns Love's holy fire;
And pours in addition,
One fervent petition,
That the sons in their day may each copy their Sire.

While round this full table we now are collected,
 We'll drink like our fathers—“ At nenbren y ty, ”
Another toast add, by the Virtues directed,
 “Ei gariad, a'i vechgyn, ni a yfwn yn hy',”
In future to meet them,
Long gratefully greet them,
Is still our best wish—is our pleasure and prayer,
This day in each year,
And that Heaven will us hear,
We hope, and we trust, and will never despair.

Even now I behold, but with optics poetic,
 Another gay group by this festival drawn,
The Dryades crowd from their forests Druidic,
 And Pan is arranging a dance on the lawn;
On gambols so pleasing,
Delighted he's gazing,
While from his own pipe flows so lively a lay,
That Fauns and the Fairies
Renew their vagaries,
Declare that in future they'll dance on this day.

The Menai, too, crowned with her chaplet of sedges,
 Has seen from her Channel the frolicsome crowd,
She's leading her Nereides o'er pebbles and ledges,
 And tells them of Williams I long have been proud,
He first on my tides
Most gracefully guides
The prows that my waters so playfully sever;
Then hie up with me,
To share the day's glee,
And Ocean and I will renew it for ever.
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