Lines written by aTraveller at Czarco-Zelo
T HE Grecian Orator of old,
With scorn rejected Philip's laws,
Indignant spurn'd at foreign gold,
And triumph'd in his country's cause.
A foe to every wild extreme,
'Mid civil storms, the Roman Sage
Repress'd Ambition's frantic scheme,
And check'd the madding people's rage.
Their country's peace, and wealth, and fame.
With patriot zeal their labours sought,
And Rome's or Athens' honour'd name
Inspired and govern'd every thought.
Who now, in this presumptuous hour,
Aspires to share the Athenian's praise?
— The advocate of foreign power,
The Æschines of later days.
What chosen name to Tully's join'd,
Is thus announced to distant climes?
— Behold, to lasting shame consign'd,
The Catiline of modern times!
With scorn rejected Philip's laws,
Indignant spurn'd at foreign gold,
And triumph'd in his country's cause.
A foe to every wild extreme,
'Mid civil storms, the Roman Sage
Repress'd Ambition's frantic scheme,
And check'd the madding people's rage.
Their country's peace, and wealth, and fame.
With patriot zeal their labours sought,
And Rome's or Athens' honour'd name
Inspired and govern'd every thought.
Who now, in this presumptuous hour,
Aspires to share the Athenian's praise?
— The advocate of foreign power,
The Æschines of later days.
What chosen name to Tully's join'd,
Is thus announced to distant climes?
— Behold, to lasting shame consign'd,
The Catiline of modern times!
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