Lines Written on Independence Day

C OLUMBIA ! awake in thy strength and thy might!
'Tis the birth-day of freedom — oh! welcome its light.
Now peals the loud cannon along our green shore;
'Tis the signal of peace, and we fear it no more.
The Eagle hath come from his bleak mountain home,
He hath dipped his bright wings in the blue ocean's foam,
And hath perched on a tree that for ever shall bloom —
Wo, wo to the hand that would ruffle his plume.
But what is that sound, like the wind harp of Eden,
That echoes so sweetly the music of Heaven?
How softly its breathings are heard in the air —
Now mark we the warning — Columbia, beware!
'Tis a voice from Mount Vernon — a voice from the grave
Of the hero who struggled our country to save;
Now fainter, still fainter, that warning we hear,
Like an angel's soft whisper it dies on the ear.
Oh! cease, ye false prophets who vauntingly say
That the star of our freedom is passing away;
Ye may weave your dark spells till exhausted your powers,
If the union be broken the work must be ours.
We are bound by a link which no tyrant can burst; —
Shall we crush the dear hopes that so long we have nursed?
Though your poisonous arrows around us be cast,
Our rights we'll defend — and defend to the last.
For our fathers departed a chaplet we'll weave,
Of fresh-gathered laurels to lay on their grave;
The tear of affection shall be shed o'er their urn,
And the flame they once kindled for ever shall burn.
'Tis the birth-day of freedom! Columbia, arise!
Let the sound of rejoicing ascend to the skies.
Our navy, exulting, repeats the glad sound,
And we list to the echo that's revelling around,
Hail, North Carolina! huzza for thy crew!
With their soul-sparkling eyes, and hearts gallant and true;
If called by their country in battle to stand,
The sword they would wield with a bold, daring hand.
The Flag of our Union, the flag of the free!
Unfurled in proud triumph o'er land and o'er sea;
The Flag of our Union! long, long may it wave!
And herald the deeds of the peerless and brave.
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