Living Backwards

Beside her grave, fast rooted there, I knelt,
My spirit sought the kingdom of the dead;
My sight reached not to heaven; alas! I felt
The thought we there should meet, small comfort shed!
In looking forward , naught but sorrow dwelt,
To you, bright dreams of former days, I fled;
I raised the coffin from the grave's dull night
And bore her back again to life and light.
Soon oped her eyelids pale — with sight renewed
Her eyes toward me shot their kindling glance;
Soon moved her limbs with youthful strength endued;
She joined her sisters in the mazy dance.
Love's golden hours returned, with bliss imbued,
Love's first fond kiss, and passion's sweet romance;
Till at the last I lost my life and thine
'Mid childhood's fragrant flowers and noonday shine.
Author of original: 
Ludwig Uhland
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