Lizzy No More

Ce n'est plus Lisette.

What! is it you, Lisette?
You a rich robe can wear?
You mounting an aigrette?
And jewels, I declare!
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not

The name that you bore!
In satin shod, your feet
Dare not the herbage try;
Your rosy hue is sweet —
Its tints where did you buy?
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

Wealth lavishes his gold;
Buys for you all that's bought:
Your very couch, I'm told,
With gilding's richly wrought
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

Upon your lips a smile
Discreetly seems to play:
You're witty too, the while —
At least, so people say
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

How Time has winged his flight,
Since — in your garret yet —
The queen of my delight
Was only a grisette!
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

When on one amorous heart
You prized the spell you set,
Ten in your smiles had part,
Nor were you a coquette
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

A noble's mistress now —
Who, to be cheated, paid —
Yours is not bliss; you bow
Content before its shade
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!

If Love's a god, he cares
For honest girls and true;
You've all a duchess' airs —
Adieu, your Grace, adieu!
Ah! never, nay never —
You're Lizzy no more:
Nay, nay, Lizzy, bear not
The name that you bore!
Author of original: 
Pierre Jean de B├®ranger
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