A Long Time Ago

1 Away down South where I was born,
To me way, hay, hay, yah,
Among the fields of cane and corn,
A long time ago.

2 I wish to God I had never been born
To go rambling round and round Cape Horn,

3 Around Cape Horn where wild winds blow,
Around Cape Horn through frost and snow.

4 The wind from the sou'west a-blowing a gale,
The packet ship she's crowding sail.

5 The monkey dressed in the sojer's clo'es,
But where he come from God on'y knows!

6 Oh, Bully John from Baltimore,
I knew you well on the Eastern Shore.

7 Oh, Bully John, I knew him well,
But now he's dead and gone to hell.

8 'Tis a long, long time and a very long time,
'Tis a long, long time since I made this rhyme.
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