1807 — FEBRUARY 27 — 1907
O GENTLEST kinsman of Humanity!
Thy love hath touched all hearts, even as thy Song
Hath touched all chords of music that belong
To the quavering heaven-strung harp of harmony:
Thou hast made man to feel and hear and see
Divinely; — made the weak to be the strong;
By thy melodious magic, changed the wrong
To changeless right — and joyed and wept as we.
Worlds listen, lulled and solaced at the spell
That folds and holds us — soul and body, too, —
As though thy songs, as loving arms in stress
Of sympathy and trust ineffable,
Were thrown about us thus by one who knew
Of common human need of kindliness.
O GENTLEST kinsman of Humanity!
Thy love hath touched all hearts, even as thy Song
Hath touched all chords of music that belong
To the quavering heaven-strung harp of harmony:
Thou hast made man to feel and hear and see
Divinely; — made the weak to be the strong;
By thy melodious magic, changed the wrong
To changeless right — and joyed and wept as we.
Worlds listen, lulled and solaced at the spell
That folds and holds us — soul and body, too, —
As though thy songs, as loving arms in stress
Of sympathy and trust ineffable,
Were thrown about us thus by one who knew
Of common human need of kindliness.
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