The Lord of All
Sing forth his high eternal name
Who holds all powers in thrall,
Through endless ages still the same,—
The mighty Lord of all.
His goodness, strong and measureless,
Upholds us lest we fall,
His hand is still outstretched to bless,—
The loving Lord of all.
His perfect law sets metes and bounds,
Our strong defense and wall;
His providence our life surrounds,—
The saving Lord of all.
He every thought and every deed
Doth to his judgment call;
Oh, may our hearts obedient heed
The righteous God of all.
When, turning from forbidden ways,
Low at his feet we fall,
His strong and tender arms upraise,—
The pardoning Lord of all.
Unwearied he is working still,
Unspent his blessings fall,
Almighty, Loving, Righteous One,
The only Lord of all.
Who holds all powers in thrall,
Through endless ages still the same,—
The mighty Lord of all.
His goodness, strong and measureless,
Upholds us lest we fall,
His hand is still outstretched to bless,—
The loving Lord of all.
His perfect law sets metes and bounds,
Our strong defense and wall;
His providence our life surrounds,—
The saving Lord of all.
He every thought and every deed
Doth to his judgment call;
Oh, may our hearts obedient heed
The righteous God of all.
When, turning from forbidden ways,
Low at his feet we fall,
His strong and tender arms upraise,—
The pardoning Lord of all.
Unwearied he is working still,
Unspent his blessings fall,
Almighty, Loving, Righteous One,
The only Lord of all.
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