Lord Banner


Four and twenty laides fair, all being at a ball,
Lord Banner's wife, she being there, the fairest of them all.
And Young Lagrue from Scotland as fair as the rising sun,
She looked at him and he looked at her, and the like it was never known.


Says she, “Oh, will you take a ride, oh, will you take a ride?
You shall have servants to wait on you and a fair lady by your side.”
“Oh, no, oh, no, I dare not do it, I'll not, for all of my life,
For by the ring on your forefinger you are Lord Banner's wife.”


“What if I am Lord Banner's wife? Lord Banner is not at home;
He has gone over to Convention to take Young Henry's throne.”
But one of his pages being there, which heard and see all that was done,
He swore that his master should hear of this before the next rising sun.


He ran till he came to the river's side and he ploughed to his breast and swam;
He swam till he came to the other side and he took to his heels and run.
He ran till he came to the castle there; so loud he rapped at the door;
And who was there so ready as Lord Banner to let him in.


“Oh, is there any of my towers down nor any of my towers three,
Or has there anything happened unto my fair lady?”
“Oh, no, there's none of your towers down, and there's none of your towers three,
But young Lagrue from Scotland is in bed with your fair lady.”


“If this be a lie you tell to me, which I suppose it to be,
I will rig a gallows and hanged you shall be.”
“If this be a lie I tell of you, which you suppose it to be,
You need not rig a gallows, but hang me on a tree!”


And he called by one of his merry, merry men, by one, by two by three,
Saying, “We will ride over to old Scotland this fair couple for to see.”
“What's this I hear so loud in my ear that sounds so loud and drear?”
“It is Lord Banner's bugle, and he will soone be here!”


“Lie still, lie still and keep me warm and keep me from the cold,—
It's only Lord Banner's shepherd boy a-driving sheep to the fold.”
They huddled and they cuddled; they both fell fast asleep,
And when they awoke in the morning, Lord Banner, he stood at their feet.


“How do you like my blankets fine, and how do you like my sheets?
And how do you like that fair maid that lies in your arms asleep?”
“Quite well I like your blankets fine, quite well I like your sheets,
But I like this fair maid better that lies in my arms asleep.”


“Rise up, rise up, put on your clothes as quick as ever you can,
I'll never have it said in old Scotland that I fought with a naked man.”
“Oh, no, oh, no, I dare not do it, oh, not for all of my life,
For by your side you have two broadswords while I have nary a knife.”


“What if I have the two broadswords—they cost me deep in purse!
You shall have the very best one, and I will take the worst,
And you may strike the very first blow and strike it like a man,
And I will strike the second blow and I'll kill you if I can.”


Young Lagrue he struck the very first blow, that wounded Lord Banner sore;
Lord Banner struck the second blow and laid him in his gore.
Then he took his fair lady by the lily-white hand and he gave her kisses three,
Saying, “Which of the two do you love best; this Young Lagrue or me?”


“Quite well I like your rosy cheeks, quite well I like your chin,
But I'd ten times rather have Young Lagrue than you or all of your kin!”
He grabbed her by the hair of the head and he split her head in two;
She sank upon her bended knees by the side of Young Lagrue.


Then he put the heel of the sword to the floor and the point unto his breast,
Saying, “Was there ever three lovers more easily laid at rest?
Go dig my grave, go dig my grave, go dig it both wide and deep,
And place my fair lady by my side and Young Lagrue at my feet.”
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