Lord Waterford

Lord Waterford is dead, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Lord Waterford is dead, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Lord Waterford is dead, and the devil's at his head,
And hell shall be his bed, says the Shan Van Vocht.

When he went down below, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Where the landlords all do go, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Queen Bess she did appear, and says she, you're wanted here
For this five and fifty year, says the Shan Van Vocht.

Then the divil he came on, says the Shan Van Vocht,
And says he to Bess, Begone! says the Shan Van Vocht,
Says Lord George, How are you all, I think I've made an awkward call,
Says the divil, Not at all! says the Shan Van Vocht.

Then the next one he did see, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Was his bailiff, Black Magee, says the Shan Van Vocht,
He was sitting on the shelf, washing up the divil's delf,
Och, says George, is that yourself? says the Shan Van Vocht.

We'll not put him in the pit, says the Shan Van Vocht,
Where the common sinners sit, says the Shan Van Vocht,
But we'll build a brand-new grate, where his fathers bake in state,
With a nice resarvèd sate, says the Shan Van Vocht.English
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