Lord, Who Shall Bear That Day

(A IR . — D R . B OYCE .)

Lord , who shall bear that day, so dread, so splendid,
When we shall see thy Angel hovering o'er
This sinful world with hand to heaven extended,
And hear him swear by Thee that time 's no more?
When Earth shall feel thy fast consuming ray —
Who, Mighty G OD , oh who shall bear that day?

When thro' the world thy awful call hath sounded —
" Wake, all ye Dead, to judgment wake, ye Dead! "
And from the clouds, by seraph eyes surrounded,
The Saviour shall put forth his radiant head;
While Earth and Heaven before Him pass away —
Who, Mighty G OD , oh who shall bear that day?

When, with a glance, the Eternal Judge shall sever
Earth's evil spirits from the pure and bright,
And say to those , " Depart from me for ever! "
To these , " Come, dwell with me in endless light! "
When each and all in silence take their way —
Who, Mighty G OD , oh who shall bear that day?
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