Lost Lines from Chaucer's Prologue to “The Canterbury Tales”

Ther was also a povre closet queane.
He was ryght olde and somdel balde, I wene,
But whilom had he bene a youth-leadere,
That is to seyn a manner scoutmastere.
To see his knaves naked in the streme
Was his felicitee and al his dreme.
He wolde han bene a proper sodomite
To live his dayes in lykorous delyght,
But could not beare that men should call him such.
Al myght he venture was a passing touch,
Ne wolde for anythyng his bent confesse.
He was a verray voyer as I gesse.
His studie was Dan Platoun and Socrate.
For wommens matters yaf he not a fart.
His fantasye was on lyf monastic
With divers choristerres pederastic.
It wer not good, thocht he, by copulacioun
T'encrees and eke to multiplye the nacioun.
His talk was al of bollock and of prikke,
Souning alway how longe and eek how thickke.
For lakke of younge lovyers whit and red
He had an eunuch cat hight Ganymed.
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