The Lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall

The lowest trees have topps, the Aunt her gall
The flye her spleene, the little sparke his heate
And slender haires cast shaddowes, though but small
And bees have stinges, allthough they bee not great;
Seas have theire course, and soe have shallow springs
And love his love in Beggers, as in Kings.

The Ermines hath the finest skinne on Earthe
Yett doth shee choose the Weasle for her Pheere
The Panther hath a sweet perfuming breath
Yett will shee suffer Apes to come her neere.
Noe flower more fresh then is the dammaske Rose
Yett next her side the nettle often growes.

Where waters smoothest runne deepe are the foords
The dyall stirres yett none perceaves it move
The firmest faith is in the fewest woordes
The Turtles cannot singe, and yett they love.
True harts have eares, and eyes, not toungs to speake
They heare, and see, and sighe, and then they breake.
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