On a Maide of Honour Seene by a Schollar in Sommerset Garden

As once in blacke I disrespected walkt,
Where glittering courtiers in their Tissues stalkt,
I cast by chaunce my melancholy eye
Upon a woeman (as I thought) past by.
But when I veiwd her ruffe, and beaver reard
As if Priapus -like she would have feard
The ravenous Harpyes from the clustred grape,
Then I began much to mistrust her shape;
When veiwing curiously, away she slipt,
And in a fount her whited hande she dipt,
The angry water as if wrong'd thereby,
Ranne murmuring thence a second touch to fly,
At which away she stalkes, and as she goes
She veiwes the situation of each rose;
And having higher rays'd her gowne, she gaz'd
Upon her crimson stocking which amaz'd
Blusht at her open impudence, and sent
Reflection to her cheeke, for punishment.
As thus I stood the Gardiner chaunce to passe,
My frend (quoth I) what is this stately lasse?
A maide of honour S r , said he, and goes
Leaving a riddle, was enough to pose
The crafty oedipus , for I could [see]
Nor mayde, nor honour, sure noe honesty.
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