Man Be Merie as Bryd on Berie

Man be merie as bryd on berie,
And al thi care let away.

This tyme is born a chyld ful good,
He that us bowt vpon the rod;
He bond the deuyl, that is so wod,
Til the drydful domysday.

Quat the chyld of meche myght
Wold be born of Mary bryght,
A tokene he sente to kyng and knyght,
A sterre that schon both nyght and day.

The sterre scon as bryght as fer
Ouer all the world bothe fer and ner,
In tokene he was withoutyn per,
And pereles he xal lastyn ay.

The eighth day he was circumsise
For to fulfylle the profecyes;
The profetes with wordes wyse
Hym present with ryche aray.

The twelfth day come kynges thre
Out of the est with herte fre;
To worchepyn him thei knelyd on kne
With gold and myr and francincens.
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