The Man of Independence


Ye slaves of vanity, respect
My independent tone:
'Tis in the shade of Poverty
That Freedom I have known
Judge by my songs that she inspires,
How firm her hold must be:
None but Lisette has right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free

Yes, in society I rove,
Poor savage, to and fro;
To ward off slavery my sole arms
Good humor, and a bow
My shafts are dipped in satire, sped
When others draw on me:
None but Lisette has right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free

We laugh at flatterers of the Louvre,
Valets, aye crouching down
In that hotel for passers by
Who chance to wear a crown.
We laugh when minstrels at that door
Sing, beg, and bend the knee!
None but Lisette has right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free

All power's a bore: alas! how dull
Must be the monarch's sway!
He's the conductor of the chain;
His prisoners are more gay
I'll never be seduced to rule;
Love is my guarantee:
None but Lisette has right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free

At peace with fate, I take my way,
And know nor care nor sorrow,
Rich in the bread I've got to-day,
The hopes that gild the morrow.
Heaven guides me well — each eve, the couch
That suits me best I see:
None but Lisette has right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free

But what! Lisette before me stands
Decked in her brightest charms,
And fondly seeks with Hymen's chains
To load my loving arms.
Ah! how an empire may be lost!
Such foolish match I flee!
Aye keep, Lisette, the right to smile
To hear me boast, I'm free.
Author of original: 
Pierre Jean de B├®ranger
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