Marching On

We are soldiers of the Lord, marching on (with sword and shield),
Trusting in his blessed word we will go (and never yield),
Tho' the battle may be long,
Yet be this our daily song,
We are safe, for Christ the Saviour has command (on the field).
We are striving for the fainting, the lost (upon the way),
Who are marching in the van of the host (of sin today),
For they must, and shall be free,
And in Christ is liberty;
So rejoicing, we will follow, follow on (to the fray).
Marching on ... to victory,
With a glad new song of joy and love, marching on ... until we meet, ...
In that grand review above
marching on, to victory,
marching on, until me meet.
With the foes of sin and sense all around (on ev'ry side),
Valiantly we will contend thro' the love (of him who died),
Tho' the pow'rs of hell oppose,
We shall overcome our foes, —
Nothing from the Christian soldier is withheld (or denied).
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