Margaret and Dora
M ARGARET'S beauteous—Grecian arts
—Ne'er drew form completer,
Yet why, in my hearts of hearts,
—Hold I Dora's sweeter?
Dora's eyes of heavenly blue
—Pass all painting's reach,
Ringdoves' notes are discord to
—The music of her speech.
Artists! Margaret's smile receive,
—And on canvas show it;
But for perfect worship leave
—Dora to her poet.
—Ne'er drew form completer,
Yet why, in my hearts of hearts,
—Hold I Dora's sweeter?
Dora's eyes of heavenly blue
—Pass all painting's reach,
Ringdoves' notes are discord to
—The music of her speech.
Artists! Margaret's smile receive,
—And on canvas show it;
But for perfect worship leave
—Dora to her poet.
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