In Medio Tutorissiumus Ibis

" Thou shalt walk in the midst of thy Tutors"
Once on a time a youthful cove
As was a cheery lad
Lived in a Willa by the sea. —
The cove was not so bad;

The dogs and cats, the cow and ass,
The birds in cage or grove,
The rabbits, hens, ducks, pony — pigs
All loved that cheery cove.

Some folk, — one female and six male, —
Seized on that youthful cove;
They said, — " To edjukate this chap
Us seven it doth behove."

The first his parient was, — who taught
The cove to read and ride,
Latin, and Grammarithmetic,
And lots of things beside.

Says Pa, " I'll spare no pains or time
Your school hours so to cut,
And square and fit, that you will make
No end of progress — but — "

Says Mrs Grey, — " I'll teach him French,
Pour parler dans cette pays, —
Je crois qui'il parlera bien;
Même comme un Fran├ºais — mais, — "

Says Signor Gambinossi, — " Si;
Progresso si fara,
Lo voglio insegnare qui,
La Lingua mia — ma — "

Says Mr Crump, — " Geology,
And Matthewmatics stiff,
I'll teach the cove, who's sure to go
Ahead like blazes, — if — "

Says James, — " I'll teach him every day
My Nastics; — now and then
To stand upon his 'ed; and make
His mussels harder, — when — "

Says Signor Blanchi, " — Lascia far; —
La musica da me,
Ben insegnata gli sara; —
Fara progresso, — se — "

Says Edward Lear, — " I'll make him draw
A Palace, or a hut,
Trees, mountains, rivers, cities, plains,
And prapps to paint them, — but — "

So all these seven joined hands and sang
This chorus by the sea; —
" O! Ven his edjukation's done,
Vy! Vot a cove he'll be!"
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