Meditation 150 -

My Blessed Lord, how doth thy Beautious Spouse
In Stately Stature rise in Comliness?
With her two breasts like two little Roes that browse
Among the lillies in their Shining dress
Like stately milke pailes ever full and flow
With spirituall milke to make her babes to grow.

Celestiall Nectar Wealthier far than Wine
Wrought in the Spirits brew house and up tund
Within these Vessells which are trust up fine
Likend to two pritty neate twin Roes than run'd
Most pleasently by their dams sides like Cades
And suckle with their milk Christs Spirituall Babes.

Lord put these nibbles then my mouth into
And suckle me therewith I humbly pray,
Then with this milk thy Spirituall Babe I'st grow,
And these two milke pails shall themselves display
Like to these pritty twins in pairs round neate
And shall sing forth thy praise over this meate.
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