A Meditation

The Lord, the Lord of Hosts, is Sion 's King,
Who dwells i'th' midst of her, & she shall sing
High Praises to his Name; knowing his Word
Her only Law, to which, with one accord,
Her Children hearken: Tho' she once did Mourn,
She shall Rejoyce; Altho' she was the Scorn
Of Nations, He'll Exalt her, as the Crown
Of all the Earth; because she is his own.
Then shall Jerusalem be known to be
The bright, but tender Apple of his Eye;
And all that touch her, to afflict or grieve her,
Shall feel a Fiery Dart struck through their Liver:
Her Children are a Chosen Generation;
Jerusalem shall be an Habitation.
Of Peace and Quietness; for she shall be,
By her Victorious Lord and King, kept free
From all Invasion; and her Glorious Light,
Which never more can be surpriz'd by Night,
Is Heav'ns great Lord , against whom none can stand,
The Sun of Righteousness; whose Glorious Hand
Is Zion 's Shield, Salvation is her Wall
And fenced Bulwarks, which can never fall,
By Force of Batt'ring Rams, or Cannon-Shot,
For their great Founder's is always on the Spot,
And never can be shaken, but shall be
Invincible to all Eternity.
And though her Gates (each of a Pearl entire,
Whose dazling Splendor justly may require
Our humble Admiration) are by Day
Open to all that that walk in Zion 's Way;
That which defileth, or that is impure,
Or loves, or makes a Lye, cannot endure
To enter there; the Fire consumes all Dross:
The only Way therein is through the Cross.
Her Streets, where her Inhabitants do pass,
Are Bright as Gold, or like transparent Glass:
Hither the Lamb conducts his Chosen Ones,
To Reign with him, and sit on Glorious Thrones;
There to behold, for ever, Face to Face,
The Heavenly King, who giveth Grace for Grace ,
With Princely Priviledge, to take and eat
Life's pleasant Fruit , which Man at first might take;
Which ev'ry Month brings forth a new supply,
Whose precious Leaves shall heal each Malady
Among the Nations, that there may remain
Not one infirm, or blemish'd with a Stain.
The Saving Health of Nations dwelleth here,
Where the Redeemed serve him without Fear;
Keeping th'Eternal Sabbath Day of Rest,
With great Emmanuel , for ever bless'd.
The Christal River streaming from the Throne
Of pure unblemish'd Glory (whereupon
The Lord God, and the Lamb immaculate,
In Mercy, Reigns) Refreshing ev'ry State,
Here sweetly flows; and also, Proclamation
Is made to ev'ry Kindred, Tongue and Nation,
If any thirst, let that poor Soul repair
Unto this Fountain, for Salvation's there:
Come, saith the Spirit; Come, the Bride doth say;
Why in a Land of Drought should any stay?
Come, all that thirst, Come, drink abundantly
These Soul-refreshing Streams of Purity:
This is the Blessed River, that makes glad
The Heritage of God , as David said;
For this doth through the Holy City flow,
And on its Banks that Tree of Life doth grow:
No Cursed Thing is in this City found,
But Perfect Peace, and Heav'nly Joys abound,
Because the Righteous reigns; whose Servants all
Praise Him incessantly; the Elders shall
Cast down their Crowns before his pure white Throne ,
And say, All Praise, all Honour, and Renown ,
Belongs to thee; who, by thy Living Word,
Created us for thy own Pleasure, Lord.
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