Meditation 25: Eph. 5.27. A Glorious Church -
Why should my Bells, which Chime thy Praise, when thou
My Shew-Bread, on thy Table wast, my King,
Their Clappers, or their Bell-ropes want even now?
Or those that can thy Changes sweetly ring?
What is a Scar-Fire broken out? No, no.
The Bells would backward ring if it was so.
Its true: and I do all things backward run,
Poor Pillard I have a sad tale to tell:
My soule starke nakt, rowld all in mire, undone.
Thy Bell may tole my passing Peale to Hell.
None in their Winding sheet more naked stay
Nor Dead than I. Hence oh! the Judgment Day.
When I behold some Curious Piece of Art,
Or Pritty Bird, Flower, Star, or Shining Sun,
Poure out o'reflowing Glory: oh! my Heart
Achs seing how my thoughts in Snick-Snarls run.
But all this Glory to my Lord's a spot
While I instead of any, am all blot.
But, my sweet Lord, what glorious robes are those
That thou hast brought out of thy Grave for thine?
They do outshine the Sun-Shine, Grace the Rose.
I leape for joy to thinke, shall these be mine?
Such are, as waite upon thee in thy Wars,
Cloathd with the Sun, and Crowned with twelve Stars.
Dost thou adorn some thus, and why not mee?
Ile not believe it. Lord, thou art my Chiefe.
Thou me Commandest to believe in thee.
I'l not affront thee thus with Unbeliefe.
Lord, make my Soule Obedient: and when so,
Thou saist Believe, make it reply, I do.
I fain the Choicest Love my soule Can get,
Would to thy Gracious selfe a Gift present
But cannot now unscrew Loves Cabbinet.
Say not this is a Niggards Complement.
For seing it is thus I choose now rather
To send thee th'Cabbinet, and Pearle together.
My Shew-Bread, on thy Table wast, my King,
Their Clappers, or their Bell-ropes want even now?
Or those that can thy Changes sweetly ring?
What is a Scar-Fire broken out? No, no.
The Bells would backward ring if it was so.
Its true: and I do all things backward run,
Poor Pillard I have a sad tale to tell:
My soule starke nakt, rowld all in mire, undone.
Thy Bell may tole my passing Peale to Hell.
None in their Winding sheet more naked stay
Nor Dead than I. Hence oh! the Judgment Day.
When I behold some Curious Piece of Art,
Or Pritty Bird, Flower, Star, or Shining Sun,
Poure out o'reflowing Glory: oh! my Heart
Achs seing how my thoughts in Snick-Snarls run.
But all this Glory to my Lord's a spot
While I instead of any, am all blot.
But, my sweet Lord, what glorious robes are those
That thou hast brought out of thy Grave for thine?
They do outshine the Sun-Shine, Grace the Rose.
I leape for joy to thinke, shall these be mine?
Such are, as waite upon thee in thy Wars,
Cloathd with the Sun, and Crowned with twelve Stars.
Dost thou adorn some thus, and why not mee?
Ile not believe it. Lord, thou art my Chiefe.
Thou me Commandest to believe in thee.
I'l not affront thee thus with Unbeliefe.
Lord, make my Soule Obedient: and when so,
Thou saist Believe, make it reply, I do.
I fain the Choicest Love my soule Can get,
Would to thy Gracious selfe a Gift present
But cannot now unscrew Loves Cabbinet.
Say not this is a Niggards Complement.
For seing it is thus I choose now rather
To send thee th'Cabbinet, and Pearle together.
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