Meditations 14 and 15: Heb. 4.14. A Great High Priest -
Raptures of Love, surprizing Loveliness,
That burst through Heavens all, in Rapid Flashes,
Glances guilt o're with smiling Comliness!
(Wonders do palefac'd stand smit by such dashes).
Glory itselfe Heartsick of Love doth ly
Bleeding out Love o're Loveless mee, and dy.
Might I a glance of this bright brightness shew;
Se it in him who gloriously is dresst:
A Gold Silk Stomacher of Purple, blew
Blancht o're with Orient Pearles being on his Breast:
And all his Robes being answerable, but
This glory seen, to that unseen's a Smut.
Yea, Beauteous Hee, in all his Glory stands,
Tendring himselfe to God, and Man where hee
Doth Justice thus bespeake, Hold out thy hands:
Come, take thy Penworths now for mine of mee.
I'le pay the fine that thou seest meet to set
Upon their Heads: I'le dy to cleare their debts.
Out Rampant Justice steps in Sparkling White,
Him rends in twain, who on her Altar lies
A Lump of Glory flaming in her bright
Devouring Flames, to be my Sacrifice
Untill her Fire goes out well Satisfide:
And then he rose in Glory to abide.
To Heav'n went he, and in his bright Throne sits
At Gods right hand pleading poor Sinners Cases.
With Golden Wedges he of Promise, splits
The Heav'ns ope, to shew what Glory 'braces.
And in its thickness thus with Arms extended,
Calls, come, come here, and ever be befriended.
Frost bitten Love, Frozen Affections! Blush;
What icy Chrystall mountain lodge you in?
What Wingless Wishes, Hopes pinfeatherd tush!
Sore Hooft Desires hereof do in you spring?
Oh hard black Kirnell at the Coarel not pant?
Encastled in an heart of Adamant!
What strange Congealed Heart have I when I
Under such Beauty shining like the Sun
Able to make Frozen Affection fly,
And Icikles of Frostbitt Love to run.
Yea, and Desires lockt in an heart of Steel
Or Adamant, breake prison, nothing feel.
Lord may thy Priestly Golden Oares but make
A rowing in my Lumpish Heart, thou'lt see
My Chilly Numbd Affections Charm, and break
Out in a rapid Flame of Love to thee.
Yea, they unto thyselfe will fly in flocks
When thy Warm Sun my frozen Lake unlocks.
Be thou my High Priest, Lord; and let my name
Ly in some Grave dug in these Pearly rocks
Upon thy Ephods Shoulder piece, like flame
Or graved in thy Breast Plate-Gem: brave Knops.
Thou'lt then me beare before thy Fathers Throne
Rowld up in Folds of Glory of thine own.
One of these Gems I beg, Lord, that so well
Begrace thy Breast Plate, and thy Ephod cleaver
To stud my Crown therewith: or let me dwell
Among their sparkling, glancing Shades for ever.
I'st then be deckt in glory bright to sing
With Angells, Hallelujahs to my King.
That burst through Heavens all, in Rapid Flashes,
Glances guilt o're with smiling Comliness!
(Wonders do palefac'd stand smit by such dashes).
Glory itselfe Heartsick of Love doth ly
Bleeding out Love o're Loveless mee, and dy.
Might I a glance of this bright brightness shew;
Se it in him who gloriously is dresst:
A Gold Silk Stomacher of Purple, blew
Blancht o're with Orient Pearles being on his Breast:
And all his Robes being answerable, but
This glory seen, to that unseen's a Smut.
Yea, Beauteous Hee, in all his Glory stands,
Tendring himselfe to God, and Man where hee
Doth Justice thus bespeake, Hold out thy hands:
Come, take thy Penworths now for mine of mee.
I'le pay the fine that thou seest meet to set
Upon their Heads: I'le dy to cleare their debts.
Out Rampant Justice steps in Sparkling White,
Him rends in twain, who on her Altar lies
A Lump of Glory flaming in her bright
Devouring Flames, to be my Sacrifice
Untill her Fire goes out well Satisfide:
And then he rose in Glory to abide.
To Heav'n went he, and in his bright Throne sits
At Gods right hand pleading poor Sinners Cases.
With Golden Wedges he of Promise, splits
The Heav'ns ope, to shew what Glory 'braces.
And in its thickness thus with Arms extended,
Calls, come, come here, and ever be befriended.
Frost bitten Love, Frozen Affections! Blush;
What icy Chrystall mountain lodge you in?
What Wingless Wishes, Hopes pinfeatherd tush!
Sore Hooft Desires hereof do in you spring?
Oh hard black Kirnell at the Coarel not pant?
Encastled in an heart of Adamant!
What strange Congealed Heart have I when I
Under such Beauty shining like the Sun
Able to make Frozen Affection fly,
And Icikles of Frostbitt Love to run.
Yea, and Desires lockt in an heart of Steel
Or Adamant, breake prison, nothing feel.
Lord may thy Priestly Golden Oares but make
A rowing in my Lumpish Heart, thou'lt see
My Chilly Numbd Affections Charm, and break
Out in a rapid Flame of Love to thee.
Yea, they unto thyselfe will fly in flocks
When thy Warm Sun my frozen Lake unlocks.
Be thou my High Priest, Lord; and let my name
Ly in some Grave dug in these Pearly rocks
Upon thy Ephods Shoulder piece, like flame
Or graved in thy Breast Plate-Gem: brave Knops.
Thou'lt then me beare before thy Fathers Throne
Rowld up in Folds of Glory of thine own.
One of these Gems I beg, Lord, that so well
Begrace thy Breast Plate, and thy Ephod cleaver
To stud my Crown therewith: or let me dwell
Among their sparkling, glancing Shades for ever.
I'st then be deckt in glory bright to sing
With Angells, Hallelujahs to my King.
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