Meete Not an Harlot, Least Thou Fall into Hir Snares

Who so will keepe his Soule, and Body chast
From Woman's haunt, he must him selfe retire;
Yea, though they seeme religious, and shamefaste:
For, blushing Women most inflame Desire.

Stand not vpon thy strength (though it surpasse)
Nor thy fore-proued Chastnesse stand thou on.
Thou, art not Holier then Dauid was?
Nor wiser then was most wise Salomon?

And aske the Prince of Earthlie Paradise,
(Who, in perfection, was made most compleate)
What power a Woman had him to intice
To make him his owne bane, and ours to eate!

If wee stand neere a Fall, we stand vnsure,
If neere the Fire wee warme, though Yee we were:
We cannot striue with Death and longe endure;
Nor Liue with Weaknesse, but must weake appeare.

To bee with Women still, yet know them not
Is no lesse strange then to stand falling still:
We cannot handle Pitch without a Spott,
Although we handle it with Care and skill.

Then, if thou wouldst bee safe, in saftie, feare;
Sith feare doth make thy saftie more secure:
For, too much trust is too much danger neere;
And in the midst of Dangers none are sure.

In greenest Grasse a Snake doth often lie
And Loue begun in Spirit, oft ends in flesh:
Flesh falls in smoothest Opportunity;
And when she (drunken) reels, Sin riseth fresh.

The Fiend, hir foe like friend, doth neuer sleepe
But wakes to tempt hir still with Time, and Place:
In sweetest Hony he doth Poison steep,
Which maketh Nature work in show of grace:
Then if thou wouldst not slide, from Women slip:
For, Ill oft raignes in such good fellowship.
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