The rain starts. 
The emotions deepen and handled indelicately. 
Tortured souls entwined, fighting; 
Pulling and pushing, unsure of which direction that leads to a resolution. 
Promises like glass, shattered and crumbled. 
Walking over them as if it never happened.
Trail of blood led to the truth. Lies. 
Even in the moment of many, the reality never sat in and made itself known; present. 
Uncertainty of the reason as to why I stood in defense to the tragedy played out. 
It never defended me, even when I was right. 
Hung out to dry and swept under the rug if only I agreed to play the role. 
Stage production of the perfect seduction; rape of the heart, conformity of the mind, and taunt of the soul. 
You, along with the world I once knew, changed. 
Devolved into the creature I tried to avoid. 
Evolved into something I won't be able to handle. 
Walking away is the only option I posses
Before this turns into obsess. 
Obsession of finding who I had lost. 


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