The Merciful Knight

The Knight is kneeling before a large Crucifix. His enemy, riding away, looks back at him.

“M ERCIFUL Christ, from Thee it was not hid,
Merciful Christ, Who saw'st what this man did,
This man in Thine own image—Christ forbid!

“In Thine own image? Nay! this image here
Hath more of Thee . . . I never yet knew fear;
I tremble lest that soul to Thee be dear!

“Yet, an Thou lov'st all souls, Thou lovest this.
Thy life Thou gav'st, that it might live in bliss,
Although it should betray Thee with a kiss.

“How oft shall I forgive? Seventy times seven?
I had rather have lost my life here than forgiven.
I had rather have lost my life there, in Thy Heaven.

“My heart is stone and doubts. Hast Thou a heart?
See, I forgive!—With Thee I have no part.
A painted corpse—a thing of wood Thou art!”

Thereat he saw no more a thing of wood.
Thereat Christ came into the Holy Rood.
Thereat he knelt, and knew that Christ made good.

The foe, whose hatred love could never tire,
Looked on a sudden back, with fierce desire,
And felt forgiveness burn like coals of fire.
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